Gardening is a great way to get some fresh air and sunshine and it’s also good for your mental health. You’ll get a sense of accomplishment as well as gaining strength, balance and coordination. In this blog post we’ll look at how gardening can improve your physical health, mental peace and why you should start gardening today!

Gardening is good exercise

Gardening is a great way to get some exercise. If you’re already a gardener, you know this already–but if not, here’s why:

  • Gardening can be done at any age or fitness level. You don’t need fancy equipment or even any special clothes! Just grab a pair of gloves and head outside (or into your indoor garden). Gardening will help improve muscle tone in the arms and legs while also strengthening core muscles like the abs and back.
  • Even if an hour spent gardening doesn’t seem like much on paper, it’ll feel like quite an accomplishment when all those weeds are pulled or all those seeds planted. And working up a sweat is good for your body because it increases circulation throughout the body–including through blood vessels near the skin surface where heat escapes easily into cooler air outside our bodies’ temperature control systems (called thermoregulation). This helps prevent heat illness such as hyperthermia (overheating) or hypothermia (underheating).

The fresh air and sunshine help your mood

One of the most obvious benefits of gardening is that it gets you outdoors and into the fresh air. You don’t have to be a gardener to reap this benefit–even if you just tend to your potted plants on your balcony or in your living room, the time spent outdoors will help improve your mood.

The sun’s rays can also boost vitamin D production in our bodies, which is important because this vitamin has been linked with lower rates of depression and anxiety. Vitamin D can be found naturally in foods like fatty fish (like salmon), eggs, cheese and fortified cereals; however if these aren’t part of your diet then consider getting a supplement or spending more time outside when possible (which is easier said than done depending on where you live!).

It gives you a sense of accomplishment

You may have heard that gardening is good for your health, but what does that mean?

When you garden, you’re doing something that can be beneficial for both your physical and mental health. The physical benefits of gardening include:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved circulation and flexibility
  • Reduced stress levels

You can improve your balance, coordination and strength

Gardening is a great way to improve your balance, coordination and strength. The more you do it, the stronger you get!

It’s also a good way to get some much-needed vitamin D!

The best way to do it is by walking barefoot outside on a sunny day. If you don’t have access to the outdoors, then consider standing on a sun-warmed towel or blanket so that your feet can absorb some of the sun’s rays.

Why not starting gardening?

Why not start gardening?

You can start small and build up. There are many ways to garden, from planting a few pots on your apartment balcony or patio to growing your own food in the community garden. Gardening is also a great way to spend time with family and friends. You might be surprised at how much fun it is!

Gardening can help you get some exercise too! If you’re new to gardening or want a break from walking around the block, try digging or weeding as part of your exercise routine instead of going for an actual run or bike ride (but don’t forget those too).

So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, we think that gardening is a great place to start. It’s easy to get started and there are so many different ways in which it can benefit your life.