Nasturtium are easy to grow and pretty, too. The flowers and leaves are edible, but if you want some of that tasty goodness for yourself, you’ll need to know how to collect seeds from Nasturtium plants. Luckily, it’s as simple as gathering up the entire plant and drying it out in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Then all you have to do is store your seeds in an airtight container in an area that stays dry and dark. Here’s how:

Removing the seeds from Nasturtiums is easy and fun.

The seeds are about the size of a pea and will appear after flowering. They will drop off the plants naturally and they can be collecting from the ground. If you cannot wait for that then they can be picked off the plant as well

Nasturtiums are ideal candidates for growing indoors as well–they’ll do especially well under fluorescent lights since these types of lights provide ample heat without being too hot like incandescent bulbs would be able to do if used instead

Dry out the harvested plant material in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

To dry out the harvested plant material, you’ll need to keep it in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. The seeds will be dry when they are hard and brittle.

Don’t let them get wet, or they will grow mould; don’t let them get too dry, or they will shatter.

Spread out the dried materials on a table or countertop, then pick through them, removing anything that doesn’t look like a seed (like leaves and stems).

Spread out the dried materials on a table or countertop, then pick through them, removing anything that doesn’t look like a seed (like leaves and stems). If you are not sure what to do with the seeds, you can plant them in pots and see what happens.

Store your seeds in an airtight container in an area that stays dry and dark.

When you’re ready to store your seeds, make sure you do so in an airtight container that’s kept cool and dry. The best place to keep them is in your refrigerator or freezer (if you have one). Keep them away from direct sunlight as well!

If you don’t have either of those options available, store them on a shelf in a dark cupboard or closet–but still keep them away from light sources.

When to plant the seeds from Nasturtium

If planting outdoors, you should plant the seeds in the spring, when temperatures begin to rise. This will allow them enough time to grow before summer heat arrives. They need plenty of sun, so make sure that your chosen planting spot gets at least six hours per day and has good drainage (soil that doesn’t retain water).

We hope you enjoyed learning how to collect seeds from Nasturtium. We know it can be a little intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite fun! If you want to make this process even easier and more enjoyable, consider investing in some gardening gloves or a pair of rubber fingerless gloves so that your hands stay safe while collecting the plants. If you have any questions or comments about our guide here at Gardening Guides HQ (or if there’s anything else we can help with), please don’t hesitate to reach out!