Sweet Peas grace our gardens with their beauty and fragrance, but their blooms are short-lived. However, there’s a secret to enjoying these delightful flowers year after year: harvesting their seeds. In this guide, we’ll show you how to collect and preserve Sweet Pea seeds to keep your garden blooming.

🌱 Timing Is Key: In August, Sweet Pea plants develop pods that contain seeds. These pods initially appear green but gradually turn brown and brittle. Timing is crucial—harvest them too early while they’re green, and the seeds won’t germinate. Wait too long, and the pods will split open, scattering the seeds.

🏡 Self-Sowing or Relocating: If you’d like Sweet Peas to return to the same spot next year, simply allow the pods to split open naturally, and the seeds will self-sow. However, if you plan to relocate them, wait for the flowers to die back. Deadhead the pods to prevent further growth. As the pods turn brown and start to split, it’s time to harvest.

🌼 Proper Seed Storage: Once you’ve harvested the pods, bring them indoors and gently remove the seeds. Allow the seeds to air-dry for two to three days to ensure they are completely dry. Store them in a dry place, such as a sealed bag or an airtight container, until it’s time to plant them.

With these simple steps, you can collect Sweet Pea seeds and continue to enjoy their beauty in your garden season after season.