Making the most of perennials
What are perennials and how do you look after them? Advice for perennial growing
Taking a cutting from an euonymus
Euonymus are fast growing so make sure you make you take cuttings to create new plants every year
Protecting plants from the frost
How to keep your plants safe and sound from the overnight frosts
Preventing ice plants from collapsing
Cutting back ice plants can help to produce produce even more flowers and a stronger plant.
Pruning a woody lavender plant
Lavender plants need to be pruned every year, cutting off a maximum of 1/3 of the branch to prevent it from becoming woody and gnarly looking. This also encourages new growth and keeps it healthy looking. This should be done in August or September, after the flowers have died back. Read more…
Pyracantha cutting the easy way
Learn the best ways to get a cutting from a pyracantha
What the sun icons on garden centre plants actually mean
How to understand exactly what the labels mean and how to position within your garden