Preventing ice plants from collapsing
Cutting back ice plants can help to produce produce even more flowers and a stronger plant.
Cutting back ice plants can help to produce produce even more flowers and a stronger plant.
Slugs and snails will cause no end of damage to your plants and flowers and their destructive path needs to be stopped. Outlined here are several approaches you can take to put a stop to their havoc. Slugs and snails like the damp and because of the way they produce Read more…
Get those bulbs in the ground before it gets colds to encourage the growth in spring
Ants climbing on your plants can be a sign of aphid infestation.
When a Japanese Peace Lilly gets too big it is best to split it in to multiple smaller plants
How to improve the quality of your soil by leaving it to farrow with green manure
Lavender plants need to be pruned every year, cutting off a maximum of 1/3 of the branch to prevent it from becoming woody and gnarly looking. This also encourages new growth and keeps it healthy looking. This should be done in August or September, after the flowers have died back. Read more…
Learn the best ways to get a cutting from a pyracantha
Learn how to harvest pumpkins the easy way